Boost sharing of photos, videos of Smartphones

This survey found that 92 percent of Americans own a cell phone and 58 percent own a smartphone. Some 18 percent of cell phone owners use Instagram and nine percent use Snapchat to share images or videos.

Sharing photos and videos online adds texture, play, and drama to people's interactions in their social networks,? said Pew Internet's Maeve Duggan, author of the report.

Women are more active sharers than men, according to the survey: Some 59 percent of online women post photos and videos they have taken themselves, compared with 50 percent of men.

Likewise, 53 percent of women share some of the content they found elsewhere, compared with 42 percent of men.

The Pew Research Center survey found 54 percent of US Internet users now post original pictures or videos online, up from 46 percent last year.

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